Sala Bernini
This room is dedicated to Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini, a famous Italian architect, sculptor and painter was born in Naples as the son of the sculptor Pietro Bernini on December 12, 1598. When he was still a child, Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini was taught his first art lessons by his father, and made such great progress, that he made and completed a successful angel's head in marble at the tender age of 10. When he moved to Rome with his father in 1608, Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini attracted attention due to his well-developed artistic talent at such a young age, and attended a masterclass, where he produced a number of busts including one of the Pope. Bernini's perfection and mastery in working stone, made him famous at an early stage. At an enormous speed and without any calculations or auxiliary constructions, he carved statues from stone. With his special surface design, which reflected the links between the skin and the underlying muscles and bones in its most minute detail, he managed to make the stone appear smoother than ever before Bernini's perfection and mastery in working stone, made him famous at an early stage. At an enormous speed and without any calculations or auxiliary constructions, he carved statues from stone.
With his special surface design, which reflected the links between the skin and the underlying muscles and bones in its most minute detail, he managed to make the stone appear smoother than ever before. Between 1618 and 1625 he produced the famous mythological groups of sculptures "Aeneas and Anchises", "Pluto and Persephone", "Apollo and Daphne" and "David" for cardinal Scipione Borghese. Today these sculptures can still be admired at the Villa Borghese in Rome. With these works Bernini lay the foundation for his worldwide immortal fame. Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini has manifold artistic skills and a highly inventive talent, which he employed in architecture with equal dedication and almost greater success. The nearly unbroken favor by the Pope, helped Bernini to great and important commissions. These lucky circumstances lead to Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini being supported to such a degree, that throughout his lifetime he was able to contribute at the top to the greatest artistic undertakings of the Roman court, thanks to his creative work in two branches of art - sculpture and architecture

The elegant Bernini room is located on the top floor of the building and offers an inviting ambience of refined taste. It can accommodate up to 45 guests also for exclusive receptions, business lunches and dinners, private parties and cocktails.

Our delicious buffet breakfast for our guest will also be served here from 7:30am to 10.30am.

Enjoy the nice and quite atmosphere with friends. You can eat and drink as well and order drinks from the Bar which is open from 4pm to Midnight.
